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Experiences with Healers

I decided to share, 2 experiences


I wish you Happy reading


FIRST i went to one person in 2011  that appeared in media introduced as a Healer that  ‘knows ‘ and  ‘heals ‘ almoust everything. OK , i said to myself , lets try. I went more from the reason, cuz i was feeling on my solar plexus area, some unpleasant feeling like something heavy is sticked on me ( it felt like stone). Ofcours i knew that some being(or entity)- if the term is more understandable) from lower frequency sticked on me and is sipping my energy, so i went in hope that The Healer will remove it.

I must say that from 2009 my sensitivity increased (like it would double, or tripple it). I was born really sensitive, but this went -not normal.At that time I  was walking and running ( i like to do sports , be on fresh air)  a lot up and down, through area where our local cemetary is. It is really BIG.( and if you ask me, cemetaries should never be set near neighbourhoods in general-) where people live)- it s just not higienic (cuz of all energies that are floating all around there)- but that is another TOPIC. I just wasn t being aware, that sititng on the bench in the middle of giant cemetary can be harmful:))). I felt like a King, enjoing in  ‘peace ‘ (yea dead people, won t bother me for sure:). I didn t pay attention, for the first time, when i passed by cemetary and just out of nowhere something sticked on my solar and i suddenly got tornado diarrea. – Don t ask how i felt..atomic diarrea-blows a system in 5 seconds..you even don t have time to pull down your pants and shit with delight..( cuz i like to enjoy in the process)



I went for the first time to that woman, cuz i was feeling that my head is covered with something, and i was totally without energy. She started to ask me  what do i do, and how come i am so thin ( i am skinny since i was born,i almoust didn t eat and i had immense amounts of energy when i was young). Ofcourse in my opinion if you are psychic person, or clairvoyant you don t ask that kind of things cuz you already see it. She was just observing me, saying  with scarry tone, “why can t i do things” that i should do ( i didn t know what she mans by this, cuz i was totally enjoing at that time with doing my art)…Like Why Why Why. I thought in my head..who is asking who now..- She didn t know what is going on in me or with me..

after maybe 4 days , being (or entitity) un-sticked from my solar, but later it again returned, so definitly i know that she couldn t remove it.

I went to that woman for the second time (the same year), and she felt that i have something sticked on solar, and at first she started to wipe me , like i was window. then she started  pulling this thing out, like i had not just some small being but, some mfking root through my stomach area.some monster. It looked like, that she can t remove it. She again, started to guess maybe i have this or maybe i have that.. HELLOOOU?? which healer starts guessing??- Did i MADE MY POINT?

they still write in media about this healer, that It makes MIRACLES-(Oh , come on). Miracles does not even exist if you ask me….and people believe like they would be hypnotised.If somebody doesn t have a clue about energies, ofcours it wil believe in everything that somebody will tell.People are not even aware that it can be really dangerous.- this going from one healer to another.



i COINCIDENTLY, saw one book in our bookstore, that one  man wrote calling himself Healer -again. He does some Merkava thing and i ofcours thought that he will help me, cuz i was really really heavily every second day feeling heavy and withouth energy. I was feeeling energies in 2011-2013 so strongly, that i can t describe it. In his office he had one young woman, his helper, that was charging money.He asked me, why did i came to visit him and his young secretary said that i will have to pay 365 euros- She said that with some strange tone in her voice like i am now punished and for healing i will have to pay

But read this..

He suddenly started to attack me, judge me (in his voice was strong judging vibration), that i am this and that (), like i am the most terribble person on Earth. ,  Then  In his office he had one young woman, his helper, that was charging money his young secretary said that i will have to pay 365 euros- for one treatement She said that with some strange tone in her voice like i am now punished and for healing i will have to pay. AND THEN i became scared.. really and i asked him.. on the door when i was leaving . I asked – So what do i have to do now? HE SAID- YOU WILL DO AS I WILL SAY!!!!!(with commanding tone) HEEEEEEEEELLO MAN, WHERE DO YOU LIVE.. to give commands to others and to judge people!! He gave me his book to read it and when i will come on healing the book would had to be red.


OFCOURS MY LITTLE OMNI PRESENCE, immediately when i stepped out of that room decided to bring the book back and NEVER RETURN AGAIN.


Uf i can t belive, what everything can happen to a live person..

and healers judge? and abuse people? and command people?.-what the Hec Light and Healing has to do with this?. UNBELIAVEBLE


